This project has been under design for the past week. Previously, Liam was working on Phantom I. He managed to construct a craft with all of the control servos. The problem came when he realised how much the whole project would actually cost, $300NZD just for the radio modules.
After some discussion with a Brightsparks Mentor, Liam and I teamed up to build Phantom II. A lot of design work has happened already, and I'll make sure to detail what I've worked on. Liam and I are both authors, so I'll let him tell you about his progress. I'll stick to my progress!
We have chosen to use the PIC32MX795F512L as the main platform controller. This was mostly for the reason neither of us know what we actually need, in terms of processing power, to control a UAV. This PIC32 is basically top of the line, and should be more than adequate.
Liam knows more about controlling planes than I do, and so was the main decider when it came to sensors. Our current list is as follows:
- GPS Module with Built In Antenna
- Triple Axis Gyroscope
- Triple Axis Accelerometer
- Ultrasonic Range Finder
- Stall Switch
- 2x Aileron
- 2x Rudder
- Elevator
- 2x Bomb Bay
Lastly, we have talked about having a fail safe unit. It needs to be able to control all of the servos, and reboot the main controller. I've drawn an idea for a possible solution, but have not yet thought about the radio. The problem is, even though the fail safe can control the servos, unless it has a radio link, it will be useless. I might have to get the fail safe to pass the radio through itself while constantly looking for a signal from the operator to enable the fail safe. The fail safe will also monitor the main controller, and self-enable if it goes down.
At the moment, we are working on a project proposal so we can apply for funding. This project is going to be really expensive, and the two of us still go to school. Any sponsors will be given a spot in the sponsors tab on the blog, space for stickers on the UAV, and mention in our publicity.
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